Thursday 11 December 2008

Do individuals make a difference?

Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations, without everybody (not only random individuals) taking responsibility for this then there wouldn't be any sustainability! We are all trying to coexist on this planet, and to achieve this without compromising future generations we all need to work together to limit/reduce our impact. This isn't happening at the moment, which is why there are escalating damages happening; global warming, holes in the ozone layer, deforestation.
It is important for governments national, local and international to set an example and provide facilities (e.g. recycling facilities) and education for people about how to act and live sustainably to limit their impact on their environment. By providing this role model, it would encourage people further to act sustainably. The greatest thing stopping people from acting sustainably is that they don't really understand how their actions can really have a positive effect, and that it is important for every individual to do their bit.
So yes, every individual does make a difference; acting united we will achieve!

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